GCC Provides Unique, No-Nonsense, No-Spin Management Consulting Solutions That Restore Character, Leadership, Integrity, Confidence, Excellence, and Bottom-Line Success
For Business, Government, and Organizations of All Types
While Improving Society At Large!
Hope and Change
In Washington!
Empty Political Promises!
But GCC Can Make Things Happen!
In the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign the message of "hope and change" proved to be quite effective in capturing the imagination of the majority of those who voted - - "hope" that life will become better for the people, when the then popular candidate for President Of The United States promised to finally "change the way Washington works" . . . so the story went!
Many people could not have agreed more that "change" was exactly what was needed to improve the way things are done in Government, and they cast their votes accordingly!
However, GCC was doubtful that very much in Washington would really change to the extent that the work of the people and the nation would be done any better or any more efficiently and effectively than it had been done in the past.
In Fact,
that very
Campaign Promise
swept the popular
Presidential Candidate
into office
turned out to become
Impassioned Promise Of
In The Way Washington Works
Turned Out
To Be,
Not Only
But Also
As An Effective
. . .
The Support Of His Opponents,
Mainly Due To His
Extreme Ideology
That Became Apparent
Captivating Stage Presence,
Electrifying Speechmaking
Mean Nothing
Leadership Qualities
To Work In Partnership
The Benefit
The Nation!
Certainly a change in administration or political parties often changes the "political direction" based on the ideology of the party in power, but it will not change (i.e., improve for the people) the way that Washington works.
Even a single political party in the majority does not ensure that the government will operate any better for the people. And history - - even contemporary history - - certainly bears this out.
GCC believes that REAL CHANGE within the institutions of government - - not only at the Federal level but also at State and Local levels - - must initially come NOT from professional politicians but rather from qualified LEADERS whose primary objective has "nothing to do with politics" and "everything to do with making government work for the people and the Nation".
"Changing the way Washington works" so that the people and the Nation are the beneficiaries will NOT come about by a "change" in the political party running the Government. No, it requires "real fundamental change" of the kind never before enacted.
Examples of Change in Government
The highest priority of Government is to protect America and its People.
America must reclaim its leadership position that has seriously eroded during President Obama's Administration.
For example, by his early actions, President Obama obviously felt that acknowledging, to the world, the "mistakes" that America's past leaders - - and some of its people - - may have made would somehow make matters better for America in the eyes of the world community.
But these early apologies, together with his subsequent total failure as a world leader resulted in an
administration that failed miserably!
The Leaders in Countries throughout the world respect strength, not weakness, from the President of the United States!
So, while GCC gives examples below of the types of change that would move America forward, it should be kept firmly in mind that America's highest priority is to keep America safe from both internal and external adversaries while, at the same time, other important changes such as those in the examples listed below take place! |
With the above in mind, GCC provides examples of the kinds of REAL CHANGE that would be possible in Government - - REAL CHANGE in areas of high impact on the PEOPLE AND THE NATION, for whom the Government should be working in the first place. These examples include:
- Requiring a work ethic in Washington that replaces the "culture of partisan politics" with a "culture of collaboration!" A work ethic that Restores Integrity in the workplace with the ultimate goal of achieving what is needed and best for the people and the Nation in the most effective, efficient, economical, and ethical way possible. GCC's Strategy for Government does exactly that, and more!
Partisan Politics, a counter-productive culture, is very popular in Washington! It serves as:
(a) a culture in which the members of a particular party completely, or almost always, support their party's policies and approaches even to the point of rarely, if ever, acknowledging - - let alone voting for - - what is good or even better for the people and the Nation in the ideas or proposed legislation of their political opponents
(b) a culture in which the efficient and effective carrying out of the People's Work and the Nation's Business is stymied
(c) a culture in which elected officials and/or candidates for elected office devote too much time on useless, wasteful, and costly political posturing and grandstanding not only during election periods, but also during congressional sessions for example, when the representatives of the people should be spending their time working for the people and the country.
Restoring Integrity in Government should not only reduce if not eliminate the militant partisanship that Partisan Politics engenders, and the questionable, if not unethical, activities that promote it, but also improve other conduct and behavior in Government that may not only be inappropriate or improper, but also criminal and illegal.
- Enacting Term Limits for members of Congress for which there would be strong support among most Americans. Over time, Careerism in politics encourages a "do-nothing" attitude and a "business-as-usual" mentality, neither of which is good for the American People nor the Nation for whom the Government was established to work and serve.
- Ensuring that all legislation:
(a) is understandable by most citizens, including the lawmakers themselves, before it is enacted
(b) is simple, discrete (i.e., single-topic bills), and devoid of changes, insertions, modifications, amendments, etc., that have not gone through the complete legislative process,
(c) provides the source of funding to cover the cost, if any, of putting the legislation into effect and maintaining it
(d) requires that all funds requested and/or allocated and approved by either the Administration or the Congress are ordinarily used only for the stated purpose originally requested.
- Providing REAL TRANSPARENCY and TRUE REFORM where needed - - involving all methods of funding including "earmarks", "unrequested funding", and any other method of providing funds including but not limited to the Federal Budget itself, so that the elected officials in government are made accountable to the people for all spending decisions, including the sources of funding, in a way that provides for easy tracking by and reporting to the public
- Providing True Transparency in the way that the business of government - - the very work of the People and the Nation - - is conducted with the exception of the disclosure, for example, of:
(a) any information that MIGHT be detrimental to national security and
(b) information involving current or ongoing negotiations with other nations or parties that would not be in the best interest of the Nation to make public.
- Providing a readily available and easily understandable personnel record with explanations of "performance and impact" designed and maintained for each and every elected official - - one that The People can review and evaluate for themselves at any time, and on which they can use as another source for basing their voting decisions at election time.
The record should take into account and allow the voters to determine, for example:
(a) performance based on the extent to which office holders contributed towards effectively accomplishing the work of the people
(b) whether the office holder followed through on campaign promises for which under GCC's recommendation, they should be held accountable
(c) how well the office holder governs, and/or crafts legislation, and votes, in a way that is consistent with completing the work of, and for, the people
(d) how well the office holder sticks to facts and avoids the counter-productive culture of partisan politics.
Controlling current spending and requiring, for example, that:
(a) the Federal Government produce a plan that will reduce spending each fiscal year by cutting ineffective programs and waste and their related costs as a first step towards balancing the budget, eliminating deficit spending, and reducing the National Debt
(b) a simplified tax system be put into place and that any additional revenues needed by Government come, first, from savings obtained from efficiencies, waste, abuse, and true verifiable cuts.
(c) any increases in the number of Government employees and/or consultants, part-timers, etc., must be justified based on actual need with a verifiable corresponding dollar decrease in other currently budgeted costs and/or waste
(d) a review of personnel policies including hiring, pay and benefits, pay scales, performance, terminations, etc., as they apply to all Government employees at all levels and proposing revisions that take into account:
(i) the Government's ability to attract and maintain staff who are qualified to perform the job for which they were employed
(ii) the necessary requirements related to performance of those employed (e.g., must regularly demonstrate and maintain a level of performance and effectiveness in carrying out their work that must be, at minimum, fully satisfactory, and supported by the most recent performance evaluations
(iii) a clear indication of the steps required if termination becomes necessary - - practical and understandable steps that include due process, and steps that all parties understand.
(e) a plan be initiated to easily monitor and reduce costs in areas such as office space, office supplies, travel, meetings, etc.
(f) provisions be adopted for the use of simplified language for all proposals and or actions under (a) through (e) above.
The above are but a few examples of the types of change needed . . . Real Change that would make a meaningful difference in the way things are done in Washington and at State and local levels of government - - a far cry from the "hope and change" promised in the 2008 Presidential Election but "NEVER DELIVERED".
GCC can make "REAL CHANGE" happen by applying the practical and effective information that appears throughout this Website.
NO-Nonsense, Bottom-Line
Leadership and Management Strategies
"GCC's Strategy for Government"
"GCC's General Strategy"
A Unique Way For
Effective Government
The People
The Nation;
Leadership and Integrity
of the
American People!