GCC’s Website “Restore Honorable Leadership” Discloses The Extent Of “Decades Of Increasing Levels Of Irresponsible And Even Corrupt Conduct And Behavior” AND “The Alarming State Of Today's Ineffective And Demoralizing LEADERSHIP” Within Both Public And Private Organizations And Institutions Globally, INCLUDING Society’s Foundational Institution - -The Family Unit!
The Absence Of Honorable Leadership And Behavior Within Today’s Organizations And Institutions Of All Types MUST BE REVERSED!
Honorable BEHAVIOR Should Not Only Be The Objective Of Leaders, But Also Of The People More Generally . . . And They Also Have A Long Way To Go!
From time-to-time GCC will enter comments that cover selected current events - - events that, to this very day, continue to reflect the CONTINUING DECLINE IN THE CULTURE THROUGHOUT SOCIETY THAT MANIFESTS ITSELF IN A VARIETY OF WAYS!
Voting in America is a right that citizens should take seriously! The question, then, is this: How does a citizen vote when the two final candidates for President of the United States fall far short - - EXTREMELY FAR SHORT - - of the Principled Ideals, Values, And Honorable Character Required of Our Nation’s Leader?
The Answer Related Specifically To This Election Can Be Found In The Commentary That Follows!
NOTE: For A More In-Depth Coverage Of Restoring Honorable Leadership For ALL Types Of Organizations And Institutions - - Including The Government, Business, And The Family Unit - - Refer To GCC’s Website “Restore Honorable Leadership”!
The “Politics” and “Political Shenanigans” that have been a part of government for years, advance and reflect everything that is disgraceful about government that perpetuates the repugnant do-nothing “status quo” and prevents the effective carrying out of the important work of the PEOPLE AND THE NATION! (Note: GCC’s Website refers to Politics and its Related Antics as a Mode Of Operating that REPRESENTS “A CULTURE Of DECEPTION, CONFUSION, AND COVERUP!”)!
The Real Cause can be attributed to the “Absence Of Authentic HONORABLE LEADERSHIP” - - the type of Leadership that could make AMERICA prosperous, great, safe, and respected again, AND could Change The Things In Government That For Years Have Not Worked!
Honorable Character and Effective Leadership in Government require breaking through the barriers and costly bureaucratic practices that ESTABLISHMENT POLITICS AND POLITICIANS have introduced through the years - - government practices that have resulted in the Government itself having become more complex, more costly, over-bureaucratic, corrupt, AND LESS EFFECTIVE!
Partisan Politics, Political Wrangling, Partisan Animosity, and Personal Attacks - - all products of ESTABLISHMENT POLITICS IN WASHINGTON - - have been allowed to continue from one administration to another!
GCC’s Website strongly urges that: “Partisan Politics”, which has become the usual way of operating INEFFECTIVELY AND INEFFICIENTLY in Government, “HAS GOT TO GO”!
With That Introduction In Mind, GCC’s Comments On The Current Presidential Campaign Are As Follows!
The quality, thus far, of the current presidential campaign has certainly been unlike any campaign of the recent past. The verbal exchanges and general behavior during both the primaries and the current general election campaigns have reached an “All-Time Low”!
Also important to note, however, is that the “higher quality” of past campaigns and elections has NOT always resulted in better and more efficient, effective, higher-quality Government!
Instead, the outcome of those past campaigns and elections often resulted in Much Of The SAME “do-nothing, wasteful, and too-often demeaning partisan wrangling”!
Also, when in office, the Leaders, both in the Administration and the Congress, often concentrate more time on making political points AND on their political aspirations, agenda, and legacies, rather than on Working Full Time On Behalf Of The American People And The Nation! The Current Administration Is A Classic Example!
ABOVE ALL, GCC Believes That A NON-GOVERNMENT-TYPE PROVEN LEADER OF HONORABLE CHARACTER is needed to lead the Government of the United States; that is, if any real positive outcomes are to be expected AND to actually take place! Such a Leader should:
Be FREE of the customary partisan counter-productive political leanings, and focus on what is necessary, best, and ethical for the Nation and its People!
The “GAME OF POLITICS” and all that POLITICS represents MUST COME TO AN END! There is absolutely NOTHING about “POLITICS” that makes Government better, more efficient, and more responsive to the important needs of the People and the Nation!
In 2016, America is left with two candidates for President of The United States.
The One Candidate (Hillary Clinton) has been on the political scene for many years, She is a “POLITICIAN” whose record is well known. One certainty is this: Hillary Clinton exemplifies the “STATUS QUO” in government - - the “ESTABLISHMENT TYPE OF POLITICS” that “COMMON SENSE” should clearly tell America’s Voters, MUST BE AVOIDED!
And those who believe that Hillary’s extensive knowledge of the workings of Government as the result of her many years in, or associated with, Government, SHOULD REMEMBER THIS PONT: “Knowledge” and “Experience” do NOT necessarily translate into “Effective Honorable Leadership” - - and in Hillary’s case, it is clear from her history in public life that IT HAS NOT!
For example:
The Benghazi Tragedy and Scandal that led to the death of four Americans was certainly a “Failure Of Leadership”, Not Only A Failure By Hillary, But Also A Failure By President Obama, Whom She Supports!
The e-mail scandal involving the creation, storage use, and dissemination of Government e-mails using an UNSECURED server located at Hillary’s RESIDENCE - - Government e-mails that should never have resided on a private server and which, under Hillary’s direction, were destroyed DURING a Congressional investigation on the matter! This Represents Not Only a “FAILURE of Sound and Honest Judgment And Good Conduct By The Secretary of State, Herself, But Also A FAILURE By The Department Of Justice NOT To Recommend Appropriate Charges!
So, One Thing Is CERTAIN: Hillary’s decisions, actions, and conduct as Secretary Of State Raise Serious Questions About Her Competence And Judgment As An Honorable And Effective Leader!
The Other Candidate (Donald Trump) is a Non-Government type candidate. We can only SPECULATE, of course, but the business that he has created, built, and led would require a LEADER who is able to get things done Through people, which Donald Trump appears to have accomplished!
HOWEVER, Donald Trump has MANY NEGATIVES related to his public appearances and persona - - NEGATIVES that he himself should have realized long ago! He comes across as pompous, grandiose, bombastic, and even salacious!
His off-the-cuff remarks are often immature, and at times, not entirely true, and often contradictory - - remarks that he and his advisors should have known would give the distinct impression that he is not qualified for any responsible position, let alone that of President of the United States!
Also, he should have realized, as one running for the office of President of the United States, that “Prepared Speeches Are Essential”! In fact, during the later period of the campaign, when he began to use prepared speeches, both his deliveries and focus were very much improved!
Donald Trump’s multiple marriages can certainly be seen as a serious shortcoming by those in America who believe, as GCC does, that marriage is a lifelong commitment of both the man and the woman - - a FACT that those entering marriage should have understood BEFORE taking this most important step!
GCC certainly understands that a marriage can fail and that under very specific conditions, can also be rendered null and void!
But “multiple marriage failures” may be an indication of a Lack Of Understanding and/or Commitment as to the CREATOR’S Purpose of Marriage, together with the Importance of the couple’s understanding Prior To Making what is - - or should be - - The Most Important, Significant, and Serious Commitment In One’s Life!
So Donald Trump’s “marriage failures” should raise concerns about his commitment to following through with other important and serious obligations!
HOWEVER, His Apparent Success In The World Of Business Together With The Challenges Of Having Raised Seemingly Well Adjusted and Successful Children - - Who Themselves, Love And Credit Him For Their Positive Upbringing - - Reflects A VERY DIFFERENT Donald Trump, DIFFERENT FROM The Donald Trump whose behavior during public campaign appearances is not what one would expect from a 70-year-old nominee for President Of The United States!
One’s PUBLIC behavior and speech, while not necessarily indicative of a person’s ability to LEAD, is, nevertheless, cause for CONCERN to say the least!
The negative aspects concerning Donald Trump are certainly OF HIS OWN MAKING. Those negative aspects do, however, stand in stark contrast to his apparent successful career as a BUSINESS LEADER with noteworthy accomplishments, together with his success at raising respectful and successful children which family wealth itself Does Not Guarantee!
So, the above is a snapshot (to date) of what citizens are facing when they cast their votes!
SO, Hillary Or Donald?
What we should know is this: The United States Cannot Afford a continuation of the “Do-Nothing Establishment Politics and Antics of The Past” WHICH HILLARY CLINTON EMBODIES!
In addition, AND MOST IMPORTANT AND SIGNIFICANT OF ALL: The next President will likely select and nominate, for LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS, a number of Supreme Court Judges - - a decision that should NOT be in the hands of Hillary Clinton and her like-minded “ESTABLISHMENT-TYPE POLITICAL ADVISORS, APPOINTEES” AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS!
The nominees to the Highest Court that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic members of Congress would propose and support would swing the Court to the EXTREME LEFT, and further contribute to the Moral Degeneration of American Society - - a degeneration that the Democratic Party, by its Platforms and the Decisions of its Politicians, REPRESENTS!
Finally, regarding Hillary and the Supreme Court: “Politics”, unfortunately, is alive and well in the High Court just as it exists in the other two Branches of Government. Under A Hillary Administration, Nothing Would Change For The Better For The Many Americans who continue to believe in and work towards a life of Honorable Character and Moral Excellence, which the Democratic Party, Its Politicians, And Now Society Of The Left CONTINUE TO UNDERMINE!
Although we are not absolutely certain what a Trump Presidency would actually mean for America, THIS WE DO KNOW: A Hillary Presidency WOULD REPRESENT A CONTINUATION Of THE PAST EIGHT YEARS:
President Obama’s misguided initiatives that began with his Apologies to the World For America’s Past! How easily the supporters of President Obama have forgotten or more likely “ignored” the Obama Family’s long association with the highly controversial Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Senior Pastor of Chicago’s United Church of Christ who was the spiritual guide of the Obamas and officiated at their wedding and at the baptisms of their children!
Did Americans make the CONNECTION between the “Anti-America” Sermons of President Obama’s Pastor (e.g., “God D***n America”) AND President Obama’s Shameful Apologies For The Actions Of America when addressing the nations across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas?
Although the Obamas, finally after 20 years, resigned from the Chicago church, the question remains as to whether they would have resigned if the many “anti-America” sermons, delivered by their pastor and religious advisor, Reverend Wright, had not been widely broadcast for all America to see and hear?
Apart from the “anti-American and racist” Reverend Wright’s 20-year relationship with the Obamas that was reflected in the President’s Apology Tour, the President also had an earlier history of, and interest and sympathy for, the Far-Left Thinking of Radicals like Saul Alinsky!
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Obama early into his first term (about 8 months) was a SHOCK to most across the globe except perhaps to the President’s unswerving political supporters! The award, according to the Peace Prize Chairman, was “to hail Obama’s ORATORY about removing nuclear weapons from the world”. Can anyone imagine awarding the NOBEL PRIZE “For One’s Skill Or Eloquence In Public Speaking”?
A Corollary To The Above On LEADERSHIP As “Practiced” In The Administration Of President Obama Who Is Campaigning for Hillary and Whose Ineffective Presidency Of The Past Eight Years Hillary supports and defends IS THIS:
It is both sad and unfortunate that Racism still exists in America! But what has America’s Historic First African American President done to improve things?
Rather than Improving things, President Obama, whose OFFICE and INFLUENCE could have gone a long way towards easing racial tensions, INSTEAD, together with His Attorney General, Eric Holder and Then, Loretta Lynch, UNBELIEVABLY, Created An Even More Volatile Racial Atmosphere!
The POINT here is this: President Obama’s “excellence as a communicator”, and Attorney Generals Holder and Lynch’s prior “distinguished careers and experience in Law” Do NOT Necessarily Mean That They Would Be Effective Leaders . . . AND IN ALL THREE CASES, WHEN DEALING WITH RACIAL TENSIONS IN AMERICA’S BLACK COMMUNITIES, THEY WERE COMPLETE FAILURES!
Finally, regarding President Obama’s latest ill-conceived, radical, and contentious ruling related to “Gender-Identity Ideology,” (which Hillary endorses): THIS is a further indication that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has become a party willing to legitimize and promote ANY ideological movement - - however reprehensible and contrary to The Natural Law - - so long as it translates into “Votes” For Their Candidates . . . BUT ALSO, It Represents A Party That Increasingly Undermines The Very Character And Moral Quality And Unity Of This Nation!
Donald Trump is the ONLY Non-Government, Non-Politician alternative who, AT MINIMUM, affords some possibility - - in stark contrast to Hillary Clinton - - of “Finally Dislodging The Establishment Politics Of The Past” AND “Changing The Way Washington Works”!
Donald Trump’s experience as a successful Business Leader with observable accomplishments should carry some weight towards “What America should expect in a Trump Presidency”!
Donald Trump’s recent question to African Americans is apropos: “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?” (by avoiding Hillary and trying out a Non-Establishment candidate - - Donald Trump - - for four years!).
Except in the minds of supporters of the “Status-Quo-Type of Politics” (and there are many), “Establishment Politics NO LONGER WORKS!”
IF Donald Trump were to be unsuccessful in changing the “costly do-nothingness of Establishment Politics”, OR, for example, If he were to attempt using the Presidency for the purpose of advancing his personal business enterprise, THEN the American people will be given the opportunity in four or eight years to find another Non-Establishment Candidate For President - - ONE WHOSE PAST HONORABLE AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AND PERSONAL-LIFE EXPERIENCES Would, unlike that of Donald Trump’s, BE BEYOND REPROACH!
A Final Comment
For those who may have browsed through GCC’s Website - - “Restore Honorable Leadership” - - they may be perplexed, considering the content of GCC’s Website, at how and why GCC, the author, recommends Donald Trump as the better choice for President Of The United States?
For starters, GCC believes that “Not Voting” is NOT A CHOICE!
GCC also believes - - and browsing through the “Restore Honorable Leadership Website” will confirm - - that “A Change In The Way Washington Works” is an absolute necessity if there is ever to be any REAL POSITIVE CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE WAY GOVERNMENT OPERATES!
Also important to remember, our current President, President Obama - - A TYPICAL POLITICIAN - - promised “TO CHANGE THE WAY WASHINGTON WORKS”! That very Campaign Promise that helped to sweep the popular Presidential Candidate into office turned out to be what GCC refers to as the “MASTERPIECE OF EMPTY POLITICAL PROMISES! (See GCC’s Website).
The alternative candidate (Hillary) will GUARANTEE “Much Of The SAME”: The continuation of the “politics of the past eight years based on the EVOLVING radical beliefs and doctrines of both Hillary Clinton and President Obama - - radical beliefs and doctrines that also provide “The Potential For Gaining The Votes Of Citizen-Sympathizers Of The Extreme Left”!
Under The “leadership” Of Political Leaders Like President Obama And Hillary Clinton - - whose lives were touched if not influenced by practitioners of Radical Left-Wing Secular Liberalism - - America Will Continue To “LOSE ITS SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG!”
So, During This Election Cycle, Americans Who Would Like To See A CHANGE In The “Establishment Politics” Of The Past Eight Years - - The Same Politics That Hillary Clinton Represents - - SHOULD KEEP IN MIND THE FOLLOWING:
FIRST, The Selection Of Supreme Court Judges In The Hands Of Hillary Clinton Would Negatively Impact America Well Beyond A Hillary Presidency, By Moving America Even Further Away From Its Moral and Ethical Founding Principles! This Is CRUCIAL to keep in mind when voting!
SECOND, Barack Obama And Hillary’s Connections With Left-Wing RADICALS and/or their Works is an undeniable fact that should be Cause For Deep Concern During This November’s Election!
THIRD, America Cannot Afford More Irresponsible, Ineffective, Politically-Motivated Administrations, Whose “Leaders” Produce Little Of Real Substance For The American People And The Nation, AND Whose Decisions, Reflect And Promote The Widespread Cultural DECLINE In America And Across The Globe (See GCC’s Website)!
FOURTH, In Her Campaign Speeches, Hillary Clinton - - Like All Establishment Politicians - - Will Recite, In The True Style Of Establishment Politicians, A LITANY of Changes And Improvements That, As President, She Will Implement! This “Political Stunt” That Politicians Use, Campaign-After-Campaign, Should, By Now, Be Understood By All American Voters To Be:
Nothing But SHEER POLITICAL NONSENSE! And Yet, FAR TOO MANY VOTERS Still Fall For This NONSENSE, Election-After-Election, and Vote Along Party Lines, Regardless Of The Candidate’s Past POOR Performance! President Obama Was A Prime Example, And Hillary Will Be Another!
FIFTH, Our Government Has Descended To The Point That Its Current Leader, President Obama, With The Help Of Four Radical-Left Supreme Court Judges (Plus The Swing-Voter, Judge, Anthony Kennedy) Was Able To Pervert “The Fundamental Purpose And Meaning Of Marriage” AND “The Very Nature Of Male and Female”!
Decisions Such As This, By An American President, With The Help Of A Far-Left Supreme Court, Further UNDERMINES The Foundational Values On Which This Nation Was Conceived!
IF The High Court’s Makeup Is To Change For The BETTER, A Hillary Clinton Presidency MUST BE AVOIDED!
GCC Believes That The Known Backgrounds Of Both Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Are HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC To Say The Very Least, Especially When The Office They Are Seeking Is That Of President Of The United States!
That America Is Left With These Two Candidates, One Of Whom Will Become The President Of The United States, Is A TRAGEDY That Was Predictable, When One Considers “THE DECLINING STATE OF THE CULTURE”, Covered In Detail On GCC’s Website “RESTORE HONORABLE LEADERSHIP”!
FIRST: Considering All Of The Past Failures Of Establishment Politics And The Big-Talk, Do-Nothing Politicians Which Hillary Exemplifies;
SECOND: Considering The Do-Nothing Wasteful, And Left-Wing Ideological Administration Of The Past Eight Years Of Which Hillary Was A Part And Supports; And,
THIRD: Considering All Of The Factors Covered In The Above Narrative - - GCC believes that:
The results of the 2016 Presidential Election was an astounding surprise to many. Of course, everyone has an opinion as to why the Democratic Party, Hillary, and President Obama failed to gain the Electoral College Votes required to win the presidency.
Some Democrats point to the fact that Hillary won the popular vote but they fail to mention two important factors:
First, many, especially Democrats, thought that “crude, rude, and evil” President-Elect Trump would never defeat Hillary and become the President of The United States, and
Second, some Democrats and like-minded college-student protesters failed to recognize that the Electoral College, established in 1787, concluded that the candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes (270) becomes the President! But, who, among today’s hard-line, shallow-thinking, irresponsible advocates and boisterous protesters knows, or even cares about, American History except when it comes to denigrating America’s past!
Since I covered the 2016 campaign and election process in the previous Commentary, I will use this particular entry to BRIEFLY comment on today’s related examples of the “Declining State of the Culture” (which my website covers in detail) and how the absence of Honorable And Effective Leadership in a sitting U. S. President contributes to that DECLINE!
The Key Points are these:
First, as stated in my previous post, the general tone and conduct related to the 2016 Presidential Campaign was deplorable to say the least, and Donald Trump’s behavior was the main reason.
Second, the aftermath especially those who took to the streets like unschooled, untrained, immature, and irresponsible adolescent-like adults, disgracefully disrupt the lives of RESPONSIBLE citizens to “express” their feelings, often in deplorable, and at times, dangerous and illegal ways!
Third, the STUDENTS who skipped classes to protest is yet another sign of the cultural decline of school administrators, teachers, state officials, and schools in general, whose officials, themselves, have been indoctrinated over the years by ultra-liberal upbringing, poor education, and a politicized government and Supreme Court whose lawmaking in some important areas incites, instigates, and promotes bad public conduct!
Unlike the PEACEFUL demonstrations organized and led by Martin Luther King, leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, today’s demonstrations, for the most part, are deplorable and incite dangerous, and often criminal behavior!
Official processes that include the right to appeal DO EXIST and should be used for addressing real or perceived grievances and complaints! If all other fails, certainly some reporter or news outlet will be available to focus attention on legitimate grievances that have not been addressed or given due consideration.
Thus, in this day and age, demonstrations and protests in America, including, for example, interference in the daily lives of law-abiding citizens, obstructing in any way the daily conduct of business, the use of public streets for demonstrations, the destruction of property, the desecration of the American Flag, etc., should, in America, NOT be permitted by law!
So long as ill-conceived, irresponsible public-demonstration laws remain on the books, and irresponsible judges appointed to the Supreme Court, and so long as appropriate police action in such cases continues to be officially constrained, then lawlessness on the streets of America will continue!
The practice of good conduct and mutual respect by Americans and others living in America should have been taught in the home and later in the schools.
But since the 1940s and ‘50s, many schools, including primary, secondary, and colleges and universities have failed in this regard, often allowing the students to dictate policy while the institutions themselves hire, in some cases, teachers and professors who are unqualified and/or whose radical agenda negatively influence the students - - students who are ill prepared for the critical thinking that college-level students should be equipped to apply! America’s EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, both public and private, FAMILY LIFE IN AMERICA, together with a STRONG NATIONAL DEFENSE are in DIRE NEED OF ATTENTION AND REFORM!
America needs CHANGE in many areas, and the outcome of the current Presidential election hopefully will be the beginning of that change process! Time will tell!
The politicians in charge for years became too comfortable in Government which led to cronyism, personal profit, and slow-paced service for the people and the nation particularly in the current Democratic Administration! In addition, the voters themselves are certainly responsible for the type of “leaders” that they have supported!
Time will tell what happens with business people essentially in charge of Government!